Life as a Photographer, Mother, and Student.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Accusers and Abusers.

It's been three years. The picture today is of me three years ago. Almost exactly to the day it's been three years. He was my second boyfriend. My second relationship. My first wasn't even really a relationship at all. More like "You want to be my boyfriend? Sure!"
But this was different. It started out beautifully. He was the sweetest thing I had ever met. And coming from a pretty rotten home life, that was a saving grace at the time. Flowers, hugs, presents, talking on the phone all night. Pretty much everything about a relationship you see in the movies. Everything was perfect until his ex found a new relationship. Then things got... scary. He would be overtly possessive, but distant at the same time. He would want me more than anything when she was around, but any other time I was trash. He would always tell me that I was his and if I questioned anything he said at all he would grab my arms. That's how it started. Then it went to hitting me and insulting me. Accusing me of cheating, accusing me of being a "slut" or a "whore." Then the day came when he had finally had enough. His ex was pregnant by her new boyfriend. She was having another guy's baby. He snapped. Told me during the school day that after school we would go to the park, he was sorry for being rude and mean and he wouldn't do it again. He apologized for hitting me and he kissed me on the forehead like he had used to do, actually called me Mousie like he used to. When we got to the park it was just me and him on the playground. He told me that he loved me and he wanted me to always be his. He told me that he wanted me, all of me, right there and then. I backed away. I can remember everything like it was yesterday... When I told him no he grabbed my arms, hard. He told me I was his, and if I was his I owed him. I owed him for everything he'd done for me. He pinned me then, he had his knees digging into my thighs and he closed his hands around my throat. He told me if I screamed that I wouldn't wake up. He said I needed to show him I loved him. I wiggled one knee free, thank God, and kicked him where it counted. I ran so fast and I ran right to the nearest person I saw. I just followed them until I got to my house. I realize that I wasn't raped. I never actually was raped. But my God that memory is vivid. That memory is so clear in my head that every time I hear his name or hear about something he said, it replays. I have nightmares still because I never know if he will show up again. I don't know if he will find me. I moved, but I'm still terrified. And now that I have Bo it's worse... I thought with time I could just erase it from my memory, and Scott has helped so much. Even if we never get back together I will always be in his debt for everything he's helped me with. Everything he understood, listened to, held me while I cried over. Everything. I don't know why I needed to explain this, but it helped to write this. Especially since I'm single now, it's lonely. I'm lonely and alone and I never know if he will find me. And now with nobody to protect me from him... I'm scared.
After three years I'm still scared.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Anything Can, and Will, Happen.

Finished the first of many Valentine's shoots last weekend! That's why I haven't really posted much! I'm sorry. It turned out beautifully, though, and I have attached the collage to this post. My dog ended up having to actually be in one of the pictures like an imbecile. It was hilarious. The couple is awesome, though, and went with it. The picture actually turned out great.
Now to the baby and Mommyhood. Scott and I are working together to try and parent her, and tonight is his first night alone with her. I am a little nervous but he needs practice, and he won't be alone. Now that me and his foster mother are on speaking terms again, I'm not too worried. I've come up with goals for the next few months to get myself to a good place of self respect and hopefully, happiness.
1) Rebuild bridges I've burned.

2) Spend more time in prayer and talking to God, going to church.
3) Get a job/make friends so I'm not alone.
4) Continue exercising and getting my self image back.
5) Be the best mother I can be to that little girl.

Life can really only get better if I allow it to. It can only go up from here. Hitting rock bottom is never fun but it always allows to you realize your own faults and wrongdoings. I always thought I had to be strong and not ask for help but sometimes, I guess that's okay. I always thought I had to do everything myself and I knew how to do it all. But I don't. And I'm sure nobody else does.
God works in mysterious ways, they say, and let's just hope that this is his way of telling me I need to start moving on from my past.
Here goes nothing!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Studios, Valentines and Backdrops, Oh my!

Set up my amazing studio in the past few days! Here's the journey!

Personally I think it's amazing! It took me only three days, four two by eights, an old duvet cover, and some rearranging! Now I'm ready for the start of my Valentine's shoots tomorrow! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Just Another Day.

Well today I finished Bo's three month portraits, and I think they turned out just shy of amazing! She was extremely cooperative and she knows now when there is a camera in front of her. She is my child. I set up with a simple white comforter for a background, and put her in a Bitty Baby crib. (A type of baby doll for those who aren't familiar. She wore just a plain white onesie and I accessorized with various hats and sunglasses. She had a blast.
I only got about six keepers, but I think they are wonderful. Frame worthy, even!

I love having my own little model at my disposal, and it will be wonderful having these pictures for in the future when she leaves the house (Which she totally never will because she loves her Mommy way too much and couldn't inflict that torture on her.)
My business is having a giveaway and I am pretty excited about it, if people even try! We almost have 100 likes on Facebook and I can't wait to see it go to 100!
God is working in my life, and sometimes even though I say I might not believe, I do. I always believe in the lord. After all, he gave me her. Thank God for her.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Diet Food is Gross.

 Today marks day ONE of my post baby workout routine.
Starting weight is 148lbs and I am planning on getting down to 130 and toning up my flabby tummy. As of today I am not drinking soda anymore or super sugary things. Fiber, Protein, and fruits and veggies. I got all of my diet food today. I have to say I'm excited about getting abs, hopefully, but I am not looking forward to the food. Diet food tastes so gross, and you can't eat as much. And the Lord knows I am a hungry girl. So this should be interesting. I don't think it will be too hard, if I work out and get really invested in it. I found a few ab workouts online, plus fifty crunches and fifty sit ups a day. After I was done today, I was dead. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Speak Thoroughly in Movie Quotes

I am sitting here watching Pitch Perfect for the first time while baby is asleep for the night. I have come to realize just how much of my vocabulary and common phrases are movie quotes. "You're like a human kanga hybrid..." "Let me remind you, BABYSITTING." "They call me MR.PIG"!
My child will grow up knowing this wonderful language and I will introduce her to the world of Disney Quotes.
Although Disney is amazing, my favorite movie to quote from would have to be, without a doubt, What to Expect when You're Expecting. It has so many amazing, random phrases that make you just sit and wonder. Especially from Janice. I swear, if you haven't seen the movie, GO NOW. You will not regret it. Pitch Perfect is equally hilarious. I think anything with Rebel Wilson in it has to have some random factor. It's so funny. She has the best timing and how serious she is about her art... It's so admirable. I definitely am a little peanut and jelly right now. She has just a way with her words... 
Today I spent most of my day in bed with baby watching movies. I needed that after everything that has happened lately. It definitely refreshed me. I haven't been able to get away from this. Nobody has stopped talking about it. But today got me away from this and it made me feel a lot better to just spend time with myself, my baby, and the Notebook. A nice cry fest took place and now I am ready to get started with second semester, Mommying, and hopefully spending time with friends more often. Oh yeah, and getting a job. Hear back this week! Life moves on, the world doesn't stop turning, and I can't sit around and do nothing... 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's Over.

But I'm not miserable. I don't really feel like spilling the nasty details, but it was pretty brutal. I love him still, but I'm not going back anytime soon, if at all. He needs to start working for me, he lost sight of our love. He needs to remember how to romance someone and he needs to learn how to be a father. On my end, I need to learn how to move on from things in my past, and find myself. I think this is going to be a good thing for us. I think this is positive for me. Looking at her, it hurts, because she looks just like him, but she's happy, and healthy, and she is going to be just fine. So maybe it is okay for me to be happy... to worry about myself for a while? I don't know, but it's worth a shot. And if we don't end up together again at some point? Well then I guess there will be something more waiting for me. And someone will come along who can love me and my daughter the way we deserve to be loved. Treat us with respect and dignity. He will be everything I need.
And Scott, if that isn't you... Sorry. I'm going to move on. I'm going to find myself again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Child is Weird.

Just Because I Need To Add This.
My child is weird. She literally refuses to sleep unless I play Gangnam style for her. I think it was because on the way to the hospital while I was in labor we were dancing (Yes, even the hugely pregnant woman in labor having horrible contractions) to it. We would do Gangnam style to try and get her out. She loved it! And now when I play it she either smiles or goes to sleep. (I prefer the latter.) I love her, though. So her quirks are just too cute! 

Three Months.

Oh. My. Goodness. 
Bonnie Joy is Three Days away from being three months old!
Pictures from the first three glorious months of my life.
8cm Dilated 
Right away after birth!
She's here!

 Mommy and Bo
 One Month
 Two Months
 Three Months.
"Each Disney princess is pretty as a pearl, but none are as beautiful as my baby girl."
I love you, Bo! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Figuring it Out.

I guess life is a big conundrum. One day everything is fine, the next everything is a mess, and things go back again. I don't think this is how life should be, though. Not with the one who is supposed to be the one. So what do you do when you've spent a year's worth of time and energy on one person only to have them throw it in your face? I don't know. I don't think I ever will give up hope for him. But will I get the courage to finally leave? Maybe. My daughter had her first giggle tonight, she sat there and laughed and I almost cried. She had the sweetest personality and it makes me so happy. I hope she never sees the pain I am going through. I want to leave right now more than anything but there is just something holding me back. I don't know if it's really him or just the idea of the him he used to be. She adores him. She stares and smiles and oogles at him. It melts my soul. Maybe that's it. Maybe the idea of the family I want is holding me back. Keeping me trapped.
                     She is amazing. She is beautiful. Almost three months old and time is ripping past me. I can barely hold on to a day, an hour, a minute. Each day she does something new, makes a new face, gets stronger. Something to distinguish her from the child she was yesterday. She is evolving into this glorious little girl who smiles and giggles and stands when you hold her hips. She loves Disney music and Mommy. Her toes are so tiny I just can't help but love them. She loves them painted. My daughter is absolutely everything to me. Even just today we gave her a bath in the tub instead of her baby tub and she was so much more relaxed in her seat in the tub. She's figuring out the ways of the world, and I really hope I guide her in the right direction. She keeps me sane at times of insanity, she holds my heart in the palm of her tiny hand and lets me know I'm doing as good as I can right now. I will end up figuring it out, I know I will. Life is terrifying. Raising a child at 17 is not the hard part. Relationships, issues, people, extra circumstances, are. You can't help but wonder what would life be like if I wasn't with her father? What would happen if I just walked away? How would we co parent? How would I know she was safe with him on weekends? It hurts to even think about, scares me even. I hope soon things will change, or I will hit the breaking point. I can't regret it, though. He gave me her.